Institut for psykiatrisk Demografi 50 år

I anledning af at Institut for Psykiatrisk Demografi, Risskov, blev etableret for 50 år siden - helt præcist den 1.4.1969 blev der sammen med et festskrift, udarbejdet en publikationsliste over udgivelser fra instituttet. Listen, der gengives herunder, er udarbejdet af Helene Sognstrup Bibliotekar d.b. 1990-1994
Ansat på Statsbiblioteket 1995
Ansat på Psykiatrisk Forskningsbibliotek 1996-2013
Ansat på AU Library, Psykiatri (Det Kgl. Bibliotek) 2013 -

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Hver forfatter har fået en mappe i referencehånd-teringssystemet; RefWorks og deres referencer er overført, både når de har været førsteforfatter eller medforfatter på en artikel, bog, rapport el. lign.
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Endelig er listen gennemgået manuelt og debatbidrag og lignende er frasorteret."

(1) De psykiatriske diagnoser. 2004.

(2) De psykiatriske diagnoser. 1999.

(3) Udviklingen i selvmordsdødelighed i Danmark 1955-1991. Kbh.: Sundhedsministeriet; 1994.

(4) Aagaard J. Psychosocial aspects of the negative/positive distinction in schizophrenia. Nord J Psychiatry 1994; 48 (S31):15-19.

(5) Aagaard J. Social Factors and Life Events as Predictors for Children's Health: A One-year Prospective Study after Discharge from Hospital. Scand J Public Health 1982; 10(3):87-93.

(6) Aagaard J. Social Background And Life Events Of Children Admitted To A Paediatric Department. Acta Paediatr Int J Paediatr 1979; 68(5):531-539.

(7) Aagaard J, Amdrup E, Aminoff C, Andersen D, Sørensen FH. A clinical and socio-medical investigation of patients 5 years after surgical treatment for duodenal ulcer: I. Behavioural consequences and psychological symptoms. Scand J Gastroenterol 1981;16(3):361-367.

(8) Aagaard J, Amdrup E, Aminoff C, Andersen D, Sørensen FH. A clinical and socio-medical investigation of patients 5 years after surgical treatment for duodenal ulcer: II. Association of social and psychological factors with surgical outcome. Scand J Gastroenterol 1981; 16(3):369-375.

(9) Aagaard J, Amdrup E, Aminoff C, Sørensen FH. A Predictor Analysis of Patients' Assessment of Outcome after Operation for Duodenal Ulcer: A One-year Prospective Study. Scand J Public Health 1984; 12(2):83-90.

(10) Aagaard J, Amdrup E, Aminoff C, Sørensen FH. A predictor analysis of clinical assessment of outcome among patients operated on for duodenal ulcer: A 1-year prospective study. Scand J Gastroenterol 1983; 18(8):1025-1035.

(11) Aagaard J, Andersen C. Overweight and psychiatric disease: Preliminary experiences from a psychoeducative weight reduction program. Ugeskr Laeg 2005; 167(21):2279-2281.

(12) Aagaard J, Freiesleben M, Foldager L. Crisis homes for adult psychiatric patients. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 2008; 43(5):403-409.

(13) Aagaard J, Freiesleben M, Mathiesen A, Foldager L. Crisis Homes for adult psychiatric patients: The first experiences from Denmark. Ugeskr Laeg 2005; 167(34):3174-3179.

(14) Aagaard J, Husfeldt P, Husfeldt V. Social factors and life events as predictors for children's health. A one-year prospective study within a general practice. Acta Paediatr Int J Paediatr 1983; 72(2):275-281.

(15) Aagaard J, Husfeldt P, Husfeldt V. Social factors and life events in children who consult the general practitioner. IV. Life-change-unit. Ugeskr Laeg 1980; 142(14):913-917.

(16) Aagaard J, Husfeldt P, Husfeldt V. Social factors and life events in children who consult the general practitioner I. Method, materials and the childhood environment. Ugeskr Laeg 1980; 142(13):845-850.

(17) Aagaard J, Maarbjerg K, Vestergaard P. Prædiktorer for non-respons af recidivforebyggende lithiumbehandling. Nord J Psychiatry 1987; 41(6):503-506.

(18) Aagaard J, Perto G. Database for ambulant psykiatrisk behandling. Ugeskr Laeg 2012; 174(42):2535.

(19) Aagaard J, Toftgaard C, Mikkelsen PMW, Nielsen J. Patients on the surgical waiting list. I. A historical prospective cohort investigation of 3.000 patients on a surgical waiting list. Ugeskr Laeg 1981; 143(13):833-839.

(20) Aagaard J, Vestergaard P. Predictors of outcome in prophylactic lithium treatment: a 2-year prospective study. J Affective Disord 1990; 18(4):259-266.

(21) Aagaard J, Vestergaard P, Maarbjerg K. Adherence to lithium prophylaxis: II. Multivariate analysis of clinical, social, and psychosocial predictors of nonadherence. Pharmacopsychiatry 1988; 21(4):166-170.

(22) Aagaard J. En ny klang i psykiatrien. Musikterapi i psykiatrien online [online] 2014; 9(2).

(23) Aagaard J. De sværest psykisk syge har det svært. Ugeskrift for læger 2013; 175(24):1752-1753.

(24) Aagaard J. Effekter af udbygningen af lokalt baseret psykiatri: et sundhedstjenesteforskningsprojekt. Kbh.: FADL's Forlag; 2008.

(25) Aagaard J. Distriktspsykiatri: en epidemiologisk undersøgelse fra Odder/Skanderborg mv. Kbh.: FADL's Forlag; 1992.

(26) Aagaard J. Prediction of educational achievement, behaviour and health at school using information from infancy health service. Scand J Prim Health Care 1986; 4(2):115-121.

(27) Aagaard J. Stressgivende begivenheder og sygdom: en oversigt med hovedvægt på kritik af life event metodikken. Agrippa 1981; 3(4):25-49.

(28) Aagaard J. Forskningsetiske problemer. Ugeskrift for læger 1977; 139(8):470-471.

(29) Aagaard J. Psykosocial belastning og sygdom hos børn : metodediskussion. Ugeskrift for læger 1977; 139(49):2961-2965.

(30) Aagaard J, Aarhus Universitet. Psykosocial belastning og sygdom. Kbh.: F.A.D.L.; cop. 1984.

(31) Aagaard J, Achton Nielsen J. Experience from the first ACT programme in Denmark II: servere mental illness: a register diagnosis. Nordic journal of psychiatry 2004; 58(2):171-174.

(32) Aagaard J, Achton Nielsen J. Experience from the first ACT programme in Denmark I: baseline evaluation 1981-2000. Nordic journal of psychiatry 2004; 58(2):165-169.

(33) Aagaard J, Achton Nielsen J. Experience from the first ACT programme in Denmark II: severe mental illness: a register diagnosis. Nordic journal of psychiatry 2004; 58(2):171-174.

(34) Aagaard J, Andersen C. Overvægt og psykisk sygdom: foreløbige erfaringer fra et psykoedukativt vægtreduktionsprogram. Ugeskrift for læger 2005; 167(21):2279-2281.

(35) Aagaard J, Andersen C, Mathiasen G, Distriktpsykiatrisk Center i Tønder. Overvægt og psykisk sygdom: manual til et psykoedukativt program. Tønder: Distriktspsykiatrisk Center i Tønder; 2002.

(36) Aagaard J, Bovet P. Psychosocial aspects of the negative/positive distinction in schizophrenia. Nordic journal of psychiatry 1993; 48(31):15-19.

(37) Aagaard J, Bro P. Psykosocial belastning og sygdom hos børn : foreløbig meddelelse. Ugeskrift for læger 1977; 139(49):2966-2970.

(38) Aagaard J, Freiesleben M, Mathiesen A, Foldager L. Aflastningsfamilier til voksne psykiatriske patienter: de første erfaringer fra Danmark. Ugeskrift for læger 2005; 167(34):3174-3179.

(39) Aagaard J, Holmgaard AG. Forældregruppearbejde - distriktspsykiatrisk baseret. [Aalborg]: Aalborg Psykiatriske Sygehus; 1993.

(40) Aagaard J, Husfeldt P, Husfeldt V. Sociale faktorer og socialbegivenheder for børn, der konsulterer den praktiserende læge. Ugeskrift for læger 1980; 142(14):909-917.

(41) Aagaard J, Lajer M, Kastrup M, Ipsen J. Tre socialmedicinske oversigtsartikler. Risskov: Institut for psykiatrisk demografi, Psykiatrisk Hospital i Århus; [1981].

(42) Aagaard J, Lien K, Laugesen HD. Psykiatriske tilsyn i Danmark. Ugeskrift for læger 1999; 161(10):1398-1402.

(43) Aagaard J, Maarbjerg K, Vestergaard P. Prædiktorer for non-respons af recidivforebyggende lithiumbehandling. Nordisk psykiatrisk tidsskrift 1987; 41(6):503-506.

(44) Aagaard J, Maarbjerg K, Vestergaard P. Prædiktorer for præmaturt ophør af recidivforebyggende lithiumbehandling: vurderet efter 2 års follow-up. Nordisk psykiatrisk tidsskrift 1987; 41(6):517-519.

(45) Aagaard J, Müller-Nielsen K. Clinical outcome of assertive community treatment (ACT) in a rural area in Denmark: a case-control study with a 2-year follow-up. Nordic journal of psychiatry 2011; 65(5):299-305.

(46) Aagaard J, Normann L, Perto G. Database for klinisk kvalitet i ambulant psykiatrisk behandling. DIPSY. Århus: Center for Psykiatrisk Forskning; 2009.

(47) Aagaard J, Psykiatrien i Sønderjyllands Amt. Opsøgende psykoseteam - assertive community treatment: erfaringer fra det første opsøgende psykoseteam i Danmark. [Tønder]: Det opsøgende Psykoseteam i Tønder, Psykiatrien i Sønderjyllands Amt; 2006.

(48) Aagaard J, Psykiatrien i Sønderjyllands Amt, Distriktspsykiatrisk Center i Tønder A1. Opsøgende Psykoseteam - et to-årigt kvalitetssikringsprojekt 2001-2003: midtvejsrapport. [Aabenraa]: Sønderjyllands Amt; 2002.

(49) Aagaard J, Toftgaard C, Mikkelsen PMW, Nielsen J. Kirurgiske ventelistepatienter 1: en historisk-prospektiv kohorteundersøgelse af 3.000 kirurgiske ventelistepatienter. Ugeskrift for læger 1981; 143(13):833-839.

(50) Achton Nielsen J, Reisby N. Dagspressen og psykiatrien. Agrippa 1984; 6(2):76-88.

(51) Adams W, Kendell RE, Hare EH, Munk-Jørgensen P. Epidemiological evidence that maternal influenza contributes to the aetiology of schizophrenia. An analysis of Scottish, English, and Danish data. Br J Psychiatry 1993; 163(OCT.):522-534.

(52) Adserballe H. Driving licence and mental disease. Ugeskr Laeger 1974; 136(4):215-222.

(53) Adserballe H. Referat fra retspsykiatri-symposium på rungstedgaard 8. - 10. November 1973. Nord J Psychiatry 1974; 28(5):365-376.

(54) Adserballe H. Nordisk retspsykiatrisk symposium. Rungstedgaard 8.-10. November 1973. Afsluttende synspunkter. Nord J Psychiatry 1974; 28(5):377-380.

(55) Adserballe H. Compulsory admission and traffic. Ugeskr Laeger 1973; 135(52):2875-2880.

(56) Adserballe H. Compulsory admissions during a 2-year period. Ugeskr Laeger 1973; 135(29):1541-1549.

(57) Adserballe H. Compulsory hospitalization of alcoholics according to social law. Ugeskr Laeger 1973; 135(19):877-883.

(58) Adserballe H. Commitments In Denmark. Acta Psychiatr Scand 1973; 49:35-35.

(59) Adserballe H, Dupont A, Nielsen JA. Commitment of mentally ill. Ugeskr Laeger 1982; 144(22):1622-1623.

(60) Adserballe H, Nielsen JA, Dupont A. Compulsory commitment to psychiatric hospitals during the period 1978-1983. Ugeskr Laeg 1985; 147(8):735-739.

(61) Adserballe H. De første psykiatriske underlæger i Danmark. Medicinsk forum 1975; 28(2):61-74.

(62) Adserballe H, Achton Nielsen J, Dupont A. Tvangsindlæggelser 1978-1983: . Ugeskrift for læger 1985; 147(8):735-739.

(63) Agerbo E, Mortensen PB, Wiuf C, Pedersen MS, McGrath J, Hollegaard MV, et al. Modelling the contribution of family history and variation in single nucleotide polymorphisms to risk of schizophrenia: A Danish national birth cohort-based study. Schizophr Res 2012; 134(2-3):246-252.

(64) Agerbo E. Unemployment and mental disorders: an empirical analysis. Århus: Centre for Labour Market and Social Research; 1998.

(65) Aggernaes H, Lindhardt A. Psychiatric training in Denmark. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 1997-247 (6 SUPPL. 1):S9-S10.

(66) Albinus S, Lindhardt A, Rosenbaum B. Psykoterapeutisk kultur. Ugeskrift for læger 1989; 151(22):1413-1419.

(67) Albinus S, Munk-Jørgensen P. Det Psykiatriske Centralregister er nødvendigt for patientbehandling og forskning. Ugeskrift for læger 1989; 151(23):1491-1493.

(68) Allard KO, Thomsen JF, Mikkelsen S, Rugulies R, Mors O, Kærgaard A, et al. Effects of psychosocial work factors on lifestyle changes: A cohort study. J Occup Environ Med 2011; 53(12):1364-1371.

(69) Almind G, Arnfred AH, Christy M, Høorder K, Nystrup J, Tolstrup K, et al. Training in child psychiatry. An integrated education model for pre- and postgraduate training of physicians. Ugeskr Laeger 1974; 137(1):41-46.

(70) Als TD, Dahl HA, Flint TJ, Wang AG, Vang M, Mors O, et al. Possible evidence for a common risk locus for bipolar affective disorder and schizophrenia on chromosome 4p16 in patients from the Faroe Islands. Mol Psychiatry 2004; 9(1):93-98.

(71) Als TD, Jørgensen TH, Børglum AD, Petersen PA, Mors O, Wang AG. Highly discrepant proportions of female and male Scandinavian and British Isles ancestry within the isolated population of the Faroe Islands. Eur J Hum Genet 2006; 14(4):497-504.

(72) Andersen CL, Videbech P. Discontinuation of antidepressant serotonergic antidepressant. Ugeskr Laeg 2010; 172(4):296-298.

(73) Andersen C, Rich B, Bøjholm S. Torturens psykologi. Ugeskrift for læger 1994; 156(29):4266-4267.

(74) Andersen KL, Videbech P. Treatment of postictal delirium after electroconvulsive therapy. Ugeskr Laeg 2005; 167(35):3313-3314.

(75) Andersen KL, Videbech P. Behandling af postiktal (emergens) delirium i forbindelse med elektrokonvulsiv terapi. Ugeskrift for læger 2005; 167(35):3313-3314.

(76) Andersen LB, Melvaer LB, Videbech P, Lamont RF, Joergensen JS. Risk factors for developing post-traumatic stress disorder following childbirth: A systematic review. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2012; 91(11):1261-1272.

(77) Andreasen M, Lajer M, Lau M, Moesgaard K, Poulsen S, Ramsing P. [Debat]. Fakta og spekulationer. Psykolog nyt 2004; 58(19):12-15.

(78) Andreassen M, Lajer M, Lau M, Moesgaard K, Poulsen S, Ramsing P. Recovered memories--agreed and disagreed. Ugeskr Laeger 2004; 166(48):4394.

(79) Angst J, Mortensen PB, Munk-Jørgensen P, Strömgren E, Häfner H, Gattaz WF, et al. Is schizophrenia disappearing? - Introductory remarks of the chief-editor. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Nuerosci 1991; 240(6):373-378.

(80) Appleby L, Mortensen PB, Faragher EB. Suicide and other causes of mortality after post-partum psychiatric admission. British Journal of Psychiatry 1998; 173(SEPT.):209-211.

(81) Arendt M, Elklit A. Effectiveness of psychological debriefing. Acta Psychiatr Scand 2001; 104(6):423-437.

(82) Arendt M, Munk-Jørgensen P. Heavy cannabis users seeking treatment - Prevalence of psychiatric disorders. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 2004; 39(2):97-105.

(83) Arendt M, Rosenberg R, Fjordback L, Brandholdt J, Foldager L, Sher L, et al. Testing the self-medication hypothesis of depression and aggression in cannabis-dependent subjects. Psychol Med 2007; 37(7):935-945.

(84) Arendt M, Rosenberg R, Foldager L, Perto G, Munk-Jørgensen P. Psychopathology among cannabis-dependent treatment seekers and association with later substance abuse treatment. J Subst Abuse Treat 2007; 32(2):113-119.

(85) Arendt M, Rosenberg R, Foldager L, Perto G, Munk-Jørgensen P. Cannabis-induced psychosis and subsequent schizophrenia-spectrum disorders: Follow-up study of 535 incident cases. British Journal of Psychiatry 2005; 187(DEC.):510-515.

(86) Arendt M, Rosenberg R, Foldager L, Sher L, Munk-Jørgensen P. Withdrawal symptoms do not predict relapse among subjects treated for cannabis dependence. American Journal on Addictions 2007; 16(6):461-467.

(87) Arendt M, Dansk Krise- og Katastrofepsykologisk Selskab. Psykologisk debriefing: en kritisk analyse af metoden og dens effekt med rekommandation for fremtidig anvendelse. [S.l.]: Dansk Krise- og Katastrofepsykologisk Selskab; 2000.

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(90) Arngrim T. Attempted suicide: Etiology and long term prognosis: A personal follow-up study. [Odense]: Odense University Press; 1975.

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(92) Arroe M, Barner-Rasmussen P. Treatment of nocturnal enuresis by means of an alarm system worn by the patient. Ugeskr Laeg 1979; 141(11):729-731.

(93) Ashkanian M, Tehrani E, Videbech P. The effect of Vitamin D on neuropsychiatric conditions. Ugeskr Laeg 2010; 172(17).

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(95) Astrup Madsen P. Geografiske variationer i førstegangsindlæggelser af psykiatriske patienter i Danmark 1971-1990. Ugeskrift for læger 1995; 157(13):1853-1857.

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(98) Bach C, Videbech P. Kampen for det lette liv. Sind bladet 2010; 39(4):14-15.

(99) Baldacchino A, Groussard-Escaffre N, Clancy C, Lack C, Sieroslavrska K, Hodges C-, et al. Epidemiological issues in comorbidity: Lessons learnt from a pan-European ISADORA project. Mental Health and Substance Use: Dual Diagnosis 2009; 2(2):88-100.

(100) Baptista T, Munk-Jørgensen P. Antipsychotic drugs and weight gain (multiple letters). Acta Psychiatr Scand 2001; 103(2):158.

(101) Barner Rasmussen P. Acceptance of deviant behaviour in somatic nursing-homes in the County of Aarhus. Ugeskr Laeg 1985; 147(20):1643-1647.

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(846) Mors O. Validiteten af diagnoser i det danske psykiatriske centrale forskningsregister. Ugeskr Laeg 2013; 175(20):1399.

(847) Mors O, Ewald H, Blackwood D, Muir W. Cytogenetic abnormaliaies on thromosome 18 associated with bipolar affective disorder or schizophrenia. Br J Psychiatry 1997; 170(MAR.):278-280.

(848) Mors O, Mortensen PB, Ewald H. No evidence of increased risk for schizophrenia or bipolar affective disorder in persons with aneuploidies of the sex chromosomes. Psychol Med 2001; 31(3):425-430.

(849) Mors O, Mortensen PB, Ewald H. No evidence of increased risk for schizophrenia or bipolar disorder in persons with aneuploidies of the sex chromosomes. Am J Med Genet Neuropsychiatr Genet 2000; 96(4):553-554.

(850) Mors O, Mortensen PB, Ewald H. A population-based register study of the association between schizophrenia and rheumatoid arthritis. Schizophr Res 1999; 40(1):67-74.

(851) Mors O, Mortensen PB, Ewald H. Cytogenetic abnormalities and alcoholism. Am J Med Genet Neuropsychiatr Genet 1998; 81(6):551.

(852) Mors O, Perto GP, Mortensen PB. The Danish psychiatric central research register. Scand J Public Health 2011; 39(7):54-57.

(853) Mors O, Pinaud M, Wang A, Flint T, Vang M, Kruse T, et al. A search for common haplotypes on 22q in patients with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder from the Faroe Islands. Am J Med Genet Neuropsychiatr Genet 2000; 96(4):554.

(854) Mors O, Sørensen LV. Incidence and comorbidity of personality disorders among first ever admitted psychiatric patients. Eur Psychiatry 1994; 9(4):175-184.

(855) Mors O, Sørensen LV, Therkildsen ML. Distress in the relatives of psychiatric patients admitted for the first time. Acta Psychiatr Scand 1992; 85(5):337-344.

(856) Mors O, Vedel Sørenson L. Incidence and comorbidity of psychiatric disorders from a well-defined catchment area in Denmark. Eur Psychiatry 1993; 8(4):193-199.

(857) Mors O. A descriptive epidemiological study of personality disorders among first ever admitted psychiatric patients in Denmark. Risskov: Institute of Basic Psychiatric Research, Department of Psychiatric Demography, Psychiatric Hospital in Aarhus; 1994.

(858) Mors O, Rosenberg R. Klinisk- og molekylær-genetisk forskning i psykiatri. Månedsskrift for praktisk lægegerning 1992; 70(.):420-427.

(859) Mortensen PB. What can we learn from epidemiological studies of schizophrenia? Neurology Psychiatry and Brain Research 2000; 8(2):47-52.

(860) Mortensen PB. Urban-Rural Differences in the Risk for Schizophrenia. International Journal of Mental Health 2000; 29(3):101-110.

(861) Mortensen PB. Can suicide research lead to suicide prevention? Editorial. Acta Psychiatr Scand 1999; 99(6):397-398.

(862) Mortensen PB. Suicide prevention. The British journal of psychiatry : the journal of mental science 1998; 172:365.

(863) Mortensen PB. Prevalence of disorders and epidemiological methods. Current Opinion in Psychiatry 1998; 11(2):169-173.

(864) Mortensen PB. Schizophrenia in society: An epidemiological perspective. Disease Management and Health Outcomes 1997; 2(2):77-84.

(865) Mortensen PB. Breast cancer risk in psychiatric patients. Am J Psychiatry 1997; 154(4):589; author reply 589-590.

(866) Mortensen PB. The future of psychiatric case register studies. Epidemiol Psichiatr Soc 1997; 6(1):21-23.

(867) Mortensen PB. The untapped potential of case registers and record-linkage studies in psychiatric epidemiology. Epidemiol Rev 1995; 17(1):205-209.

(868) Mortensen PB. The occurence of cancer in first admitted schizophrenic patients. Schizophr Res 1994; 12(3):185-194.

(869) Mortensen PB. Neuroleptic medication and reduced risk of prostate cancer in schizophrenic patients. Acta Psychiatr Scand 1992; 85(5):390-393.

(870) Mortensen PB. The incidence of cancer in schizophrenic patients. J Epidemiol Community Health 1989; 43(1):43-47.

(871) Mortensen PB. Ambidirectional studies - an extension of longitudinal studies in psychiatry. Psychiatr Dev 1988; 6(2):173-181.

(872) Mortensen PB. Cancerdiagnostik og autopsifrekvens blandt skizofrene patienter. Ugeskrift for læger. 1987(Vol.149, 1987, nr.29).

(873) Mortensen PB. Relation between schizophrenia and cancer. Ugeskr Laeger 1987; 149(44):2999-3002.

(874) Mortensen PB. Diagnosis of cancer and autopsy rate in schizophrenic patients. Ugeskr Laeger 1987; 149(29):1973-1975.

(875) Mortensen PB. Neuroleptic treatment and other factors modifying cancer risk in schizophrenic patients. Acta Psychiatr Scand 1987; 75(6):585-590.

(876) Mortensen PB, Agerbo E, Erikson T, Qin P, Westergaard-Nielsen N. Psychiatric illness and risk factors for suicide in Denmark. Lancet 2000; 355(9197):9-12.

(877) Mortensen PB, Allebeck P, Munk-Jørgensen P. Population-based registers in psychiatric research. NORD J PSYCHIATRY SUPPL 1996; 50(36):67-72.

(878) Mortensen PB, Bennedsen B, Eaton WW. Obstetric complications in schizophrenia. The British journal of psychiatry : the journal of mental science 1995; 167(5):695-696; author reply 696-697.

(879) Mortensen PB, Cantor-Graae E, McNeil TF. Increased rates of schizophrenia among immigrants: Some methodological concerns raised by Danish findings. Psychol Med 1997; 27(4):813-820.

(880) Mortensen PB, Eaton WW. Predictors for Readmission Risk in Schizophrenia. Psychol Med 1994; 24(1):223-232.

(881) Mortensen PB, Juel K. Mortality and causes of death in first admitted schizophrenic patients. British Journal of Psychiatry 1993; 163(AUG.):183-189.

(882) Mortensen PB, Juel K. Mortality and causes of death in schizophrenic patients in Denmark. Acta Psychiatr Scand 1990; 81(4):372-377.

(883) Mortensen PB, Mors O, Frydenberg M, Ewald H. Head injury as a risk factor for bipolar affective disorder. J Affective Disord 2003; 76(1-3):79-83.

(884) Mortensen PB, Pedersen CB, Hougaard DM, Nørgaard-Petersen B, Mors O, Børglum AD, et al. A Danish National Birth Cohort study of maternal HSV-2 antibodies as a risk factor for schizophrenia in their offspring. Schizophr Res 2010; 122(1-3):257-263.

(885) Mortensen PB, Pedersen CB, Mcgrath JJ, Hougaard DM, Nørgaard-Petersen B, Mors O, et al. Neonatal antibodies to infectious agents and risk of bipolar disorder: A population-based case-control study. Bipolar Disord 2011; 13(7-8):624-629.

(886) Mortensen PB, Pedersen CB, Melbye M, Mors O, Ewald H. Individual and Familial Risk Factors for Bipolar Affective Disorders in Denmark. Arch Gen Psychiatry 2003; 60(12):1209-1215.

(887) Mortensen PB, Pedersen CB, Westergaard T, Wohlfahrt J, Ewald H, Mors O, et al. Effects of family history and place and season of birth on the risk of schizophrenia. New Engl J Med 1999; 340(8):603-608.

(888) Mortensen PB. Relationen mellem skizofreni og cancer. Ugeskrift for læger. 1987(Vol.149, 1987, nr.44).

(889) Mortensen PB. The epidemiology of cancer in schizophrenic patients. [Risskov]: Institute for Basic Psychiatric Research, Department of Psychiatric Demography, Psychiatric Hospital in Aarhus, University of Aarhus; 1994.

(890) Mortensen PB. Cancer, skizofreni og skizofrenibehandling. Risskov: Institut for Psykiatrisk Demografi; 1985.

(891) Mortensen PB, Allebeck P, Munk-Jørgensen P. Population-based registers in psychiatric research. Nordic journal of psychiatry 1996; 50(36):67-72.

(892) Moskvina V, Farmer A, Jones IR, Brewster S, Ferrero F, Gill M, et al. Sex differences in symptom patterns of recurrent major depression in siblings. Depression Anxiety 2008; 25(6):527-534.

(893) Munk-Jørgensen P. 284 børn fra århusianske multiproblemfamilier. En beskrivelse af deres baggrund og sociale funktionsdygtighed. Socialt tidsskrift 1975; 51(7):183-221.

(894) Munk-Jørgensen P, Mors O, Mortensen PB, Ewald H. The schizophrenic patient in the somatic hospital. Acta Psychiatr Scand Suppl 2000; 102(407):96-99.

(895) Munk-Jørgensen P. O.A., Jørgensen P.Munk- O.A. Behandlingsvarighed i distriktspsykiatri. Ugeskrift For Læger 1985(ÅRG. 147 NR. 50).

(896) Munk-Jørgensen P. Prologue. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 1999; 249(3):113-114.

(897) Munk-Jørgensen P. Symposium 18: Nordic society for psychiatric epidemiology - Presentation symposium. The Nordic society for psychiatric epidemiology. Nord J Psychiatry Suppl 1998; 52(41):102.

(898) Munk-Jørgensen P. Symposium 5: Schizophrenia: New findings. Schizophrenia epidemiology: A Danish perspective. Nord J Psychiatry Suppl 1998; 52(41):67.

(899) Munk-Jørgensen P. Symposium 35: Two-year experience with ICD-10 in Denmark and future Nordic perspectives. Distribution of 100,000 clinical ICD-10 diagnoses. Nord J Psychiatry Suppl 1998; 52(41):152.

(900) Munk-Jørgensen P. Psychiatric case registers - Tools for forensic psychiatric research. Nord J Psychiatry Suppl 1997; 51(39):45-48.

(901) Munk-Jørgensen P. Use of registers in psychiatric research. Nord J Psychiatry SUPPL 1996; 50(37):69-72.

(902) Munk-Jørgensen P. Perspectives for psychiatric epidemiology: Are we measuring the right things? Epidemiol Psychiatr Soc 1996; 5(3):190-197.

(903) Munk-Jørgensen P. Erratum: Affective (depressive) morbidity in puerperal Nigerian women: Validation of the Edinburgh postnatal depressive scale (Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica (2203) 107 (251-259)). Acta Psychiatr Scand 2003; 108(4):319.

(904) Munk-Jørgensen P. A case study of an extremely violent serial rapist with borderline personality disorder in remission: Invited comment. Acta Psychiatr Scand 2003; 107(6):466-467.

(905) Munk-Jørgensen P. Erratum: 3rd Internationalconference on early psychosis (Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavian (2002) 106(413). Acta Psychiatr Scand 2003; 107(5):397.

(906) Munk-Jørgensen P. The privilege of editing a scientific journal. Epidemiol Psychiatr Soc 2003; 12(1):2-4.

(907) Munk-Jørgensen P. From psychiatric hospital to rehabilitation : The Nordic experience. Encephale 2000; 26(SPEC. ISS. 1):3-6.

(908) Munk-Jørgensen P. Has deinstitutionalization gone too far? Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 1999; 249(3):136-143.

(909) Munk-Jørgensen P. Rehabilitation in the Nordic countries. Eur Psychiatry 1996; 11(SUPPL. 2):101s-104s.

(910) Munk-Jørgensen P. Decreasing rates of incident schizophrenia cases in psychiatric service: A +review of the literature. Eur Psychiatry 1995; 10(3):129-141.

(911) Munk-Jørgensen P. Are incidence rates of schizophrenia decreasing? Epidemiol Psychiatr Soc 1993; 2(1):7-9.

(912) Munk-Jørgensen P. The psychiatric central registry is necessary for the treatment of patients and research. Ugeskr Laeger 1989; 151(23):1491-1493.

(913) Munk-Jørgensen P. General practitioners’ selection of patients for treatment in community psychiatric services. Psychol Med 1986; 16(3):611-619.

(914) Munk-Jørgensen P. Cumulated Need for Psychiatric Service As Shown on A Community Psychiatric Project. Psychol Med 1985; 15(3):629-635.

(915) Munk‐Jørgensen P. First‐admission rates and marital status of schizophrenics. Acta Psychiatr Scand 1987; 76(2):210-216.

(916) Munk‐Jørgensen P. Why has the incidence of schizophrenia in Danish psychiatric institutions decreased since 1970? Acta Psychiatr Scand 1987; 75(1):62-68.

(917) Munk‐Jørgensen P. Decreasing first‐admission rates of schizophrenia among males in Denmark from 1970 to 1984: Changing diagnostic patterns? Acta Psychiatr Scand 1986; 73(6):645-650.

(918) Munk‐Jørgensen P. Schizophrenia in Denmark: Incidence and utilization of psychiatric institutions. Acta Psychiatr Scand 1986; 73(2):172-180.

(919) Munk‐Jørgensen P. The schizophrenia diagnosis in Denmark: A register‐based investigation. Acta Psychiatr Scand 1985; 72(3):266-273.

(920) Munk-Jørgensen P, Allgulander C, Dahl AA, Foldager L, Holm M, Rasmussen I, et al. Prevalence of generalized anxiety disorder in general practice in Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden. Psychiatric Services 2006; 57(12):1738-1744.

(921) Munk-Jørgensen P, Arngrim T. Problem drinkers in a psychiatric hospital - A follow-up of out-patients. Soc Psychiatry 1987; 22(4):221-225.

(922) Munk-Jørgensen P, Bertelsen A, Dahl AA, Lehtinen K, Lindström E, Tomasson K. Implementation of ICD-10 in the Nordic countries. Nord J Psychiatry 1999; 53(1):5-9.

(923) Munk-Jørgensen P, Bertelsen A, Dahl AA, Lehtinen K, Lindström E, Tomasson K. Implementation of ICD-10 in the Nordic countries. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry 1999; 53(1):5-9.

(924) Munk-Jørgensen P, Bo Mortensen P, Machón RA. Hospitalization patterns in schizophrenia. A 13-year follow-up. Schizophr Res 1991; 4(1):1-9.

(925) Munk-Jørgensen P, Ewald H. Epidemiology in neurobiological research: Exemplified by the influenza-schizophrenia theory. Br J Psychiatry 2001; 178(SUPPL. 40):s30-s32.

(926) Munk-Jørgensen P, Fink P, Brevik JI, Dalgard OS, Engberg M, Hansson L, et al. Psychiatric morbidity in primary public health care: A multicentre investigation. Part II. Hidden morbidity and choice of treatment. Acta Psychiatr Scand 1997; 95(1):6-12.

(927) Munk-Jørgensen P, Flensted-Nielsen J, Brandt P, Krusell JB, Borg L, Hansen SS, et al. Homeless psychiatric patients, a study of registration of clients in hostels and foster homes. Ugeskr Laeger 1992; 154(18):1271-1275.

(928) Munk-Jørgensen P, Jacobsen V, Kristiansen PN. Previous psychiatric patients in residential colleges in Denmark. Ugeskr Laeg 1981; 143(39):2524-2526.

(929) Munk-Jørgensen P, Jepsen PW. Psykiatrisk misbrugsforskning i danmark 1983-84. Nord J Psychiatry 1986; 40(1):55-58.

(930) Munk-Jørgensen P, Jørgensen P. Alcoholics in psychiatric institutions - A nationwide Danish follow-up. Soc Psychiatry 1986; 21(3):146-151.

(931) Munk-Jørgensen P, Jørgensen P. Brug af present state examination (PSE) i psykiatriuddannelsen - en pilotundersøgelse. Nord J Psychiatry 1985; 39(3):189-194.

(932) Munk‐Jørgensen P, Jørgensen P. Decreasing rates of first‐admission diagnoses of schizophrenia among females in Denmark 1970–84. Acta Psychiatr Scand 1986; 74(4):379-383.

(933) Munk-Jørgensen P, Kaldau R., Kristensen R. First referrals to out-patient clinics for alcoholics in Aarhus in 1972-73 and 1982. Referral rates, social conditions and significance of the distance of the clinic. Ugeskr Laeg 1984; 146(51):4051-4055.

(934) Munk-Jørgensen P, Kaldau R. Sammenligning af sociale forhold for et førstegangsklientel ved to århusianske alkoholambulatorier. Nord J Psychiatry 1984; 38(5):393-400.

(935) Munk-Jørgensen P, Kaldau R, Kristensen R. Patterns of first referrals to out-patient clinics for alcoholics in Aarhus 1972-73 and 1982. Ugeskr Laeger 1984; 146(15):1162-1165.

(936) Munk-Jørgensen P, Kaldau R, Kristensen R. Drikkemønstre hos førstegangsklienter ved århusianske alkoholambulatorier i 1972 og 1982. Nord J Psychiatry 1984; 38(6):581-589.

(937) Munk-Jørgensen P, Kastrup M, Mortensen PB. The epidemiology of mental disorders in Denmark. Nord J Psychiatry Suppl 1996; 50(36):15-24.

(938) Munk‐Jørgensen P, Kastrup M, Mortensen PB. The Danish psychiatric register as a tool in epidemiology. Acta Psychiatr Scand 1993; 87(370 S):27-32.

(939) Munk-Jørgensen P, Lehtinen V, Helgason T, Dalgard OS, Westrin CG. Psychiatry in the five Nordic countries. Eur Psychiatry 1995; 10(4):197-206.

(940) Munk-Jørgensen P, Liisberg P. Female alcoholics. Incidence and characteristics. Ugeskr Laeg 1986; 148(11):674-677.

(941) Munk-Jørgensen P, Lindhardt A, Valbak K, Hansted L, Nielsen JA. Basic epidemiologic evaluation guidelines in establishing district psychiatric care. Ugeskr Laeger 1988; 150(17):1053-1055.

(942) Munk-Jørgensen P, Lund MN, Bertelsen A. Use of ICD-10 diagnoses in Danish psychiatric hospital-based services in 2001-2007. World Psychiatry 2010; 9(3):183-184.

(943) Munk-Jørgensen P, Lützhøft JH, Jensen J, Strömgren E. Trends in psychiatric hospitalization in Denmark: a 10-year register-based investigation. Acta Psychiatr Scand 1992; 86(1):79-83.

(944) Munk-Jørgensen P, Mignolli G, Faccincani C. Verona-sud fordele og svagheder i en italiensk distriktspsykiatrisk service. Nord Psykol 1985; 37(2):97-108.

(945) Munk‐Jørgensen P, Møller‐Madsen S, Nielsen S, Nystrup J. Incidence of eating disorders in psychiatric hospitals and wards in Denmark, 1970–1993. Acta Psychiatr Scand 1995; 92(2):91-96.

(946) Munk-Jørgensen P, Mors O, Mortensen PB. Registerbaserede undersogelser af skizofreni. Nord J Psychiatry 1992; 46(S26):11-15.

(947) Munk-Jørgensen P, Mortensen M. The role of the Danish Psychiatric Central Research Register in the research of widespread diseases. Ugeskr Laeg 2004; 166(15-16):1454-1458.

(948) Munk-Jørgensen P, Mortensen M, Skadhede S, Jørgensen P. Duration of treatment in community psychiatry. Ugeskr Laeg 1985; 147(50):4133-4137.

(949) Munk-Jørgensen P, Mortensen PB. Incidence and other aspects of the epidemiology of schizophrenia in Denmark, 1971-87. Br J Psychiatry 1992; 161(OCT.):489-495.

(950) Munk-Jørgensen P, Mortensen PB. The Danish Psychiatric Central Register. Dan Med Bull 1997; 44(1):82-84.

(951) Munk-Jørgensen P, Mortensen PB. Is schizophrenia really on the decrease? Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Nuerosci 1993; 242(4):244-247.

(952) Munk-Jørgensen P, Mortensen PB. Social outcome in schizophrenia: a 13-year follow-up. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 1992; 27(3):129-134.

(953) Munk‐Jørgensen P, Mortensen PB. Schizophrenia: a 13‐year follow‐up: Diagnostic and psychopathological aspects. Acta Psychiatr Scand 1989; 79(4):391-399.

(954) Munk-Jørgensen P, Pagsberg K, Bertelsen A. Preface: Erik Strömgren Centennial 1909-2009. Acta Psychiatr Scand 2009; 120(5):339.

(955) Munk-Jørgensen P, Sluzki C, St. Kaprinis G, Fountoulakis KN, Jadhav S, Bloch S, et al. Galvanising mental health research in low-and middle-income countries: Role of scientific journals. Ann Gen Hosp Psychiatry 2004; 3.

(956) Munk-Jørgensen P, Tansella M. Hospital and community based psychiatry: A comparative study between a danish and an italian psychiatric service. Int J Soc Psychiatry 1986; 32(2):6-15.

(957) Munk-Jørgensen P, Thimmer J, Gormsen K. Monitoring of activities in Danish office-based psychiatry. Nord J Psychiatry 2000; 54(3):183-187.

(958) Munk-Jørgensen P, Weeke A, Bach Jensen E, Dupont A, Strömgren E. Changes in utilization of Danish psychiatric institutions II. Census studies 1977 and 1982. Compr Psychiatry 1986; 27(5):416-429.

(959) Munk-Jørgensen P oa. Changes in utilization of Danish psychiatric institutions.: II. Census studies 1977 and 1982. Comprehensive Psychiatry. 1986(Vol.27, 1986, nr.5).

(960) Munk-Jørgensen P oa. Hjemløse psykisk syge, en registerundersøgelse af klienter på herberg og forsorgshjem. Ugeskrift for læger. 1992(Vol.154, 1992, nr.18).

(961) Munk-Jørgensen P oa. Basale epidemiologiske evalueringsprincipper i forbindelse med etablering af distriktspsykiatri. Ugeskrift for læger. 1988(Vol.150, 1988, nr.17).

(962) Munk-Jørgensen P. Genindlæggelser for skizofreni i Danmark 1979-1998. Ugeskrift for læger 2000; 162(9):1219-1222.

(963) Munk-Jørgensen P. Psychiatric case registers: tools for forensic psychiatric research. Nordic journal of psychiatry 1997; 51(39):45-48.

(964) Munk-Jørgensen P. Use of registers in psychiatric research. Nordic journal of psychiatry 1996; 50(37):69-72.

(965) Munk-Jørgensen P. Faldende førstegangsindlæggelsesrater for skizofreni i Danmark 1970-1991. Risskov: Institut for psykiatrisk grundforskning, afdeling for psykiatrisk demografi, Psykiatrisk Hospital i Århus; 1996.

(966) Munk-Jørgensen P. Hjemløse psykisk syge, en registerundersøgelse af klienter på herberg og forsorgshjem. Århus: Institut for psykiatrisk demografi, Psykiatrisk hospital i Århus; 1992.

(967) Munk-Jørgensen P. Psykiatriens status 1991. Ugeskrift for læger 1991; 153(24):1743-1744.

(968) Munk-Jørgensen P. Italien - foråret 1984: et rejsebrev. Agrippa 1985; 7(1):76-83.

(969) Munk-Jørgensen P. Tre eksempler på italiensk distriktspsykiatri 1984. Ugeskrift for læger 1984; 146(44):3405-3407.

(970) Munk-Jørgensen P. Psykoser ved dehydrering. Ugeskrift for læger 1980; 142(14):896-896.

(971) Munk-Jørgensen P. Faldende førstegangsindlæggelsesrater for skizofreni i Danmark 1970-1991. [S.l.]: [Povl Munk-Jørgensen]; [1995].

(972) Munk-Jørgensen P, Bertelsen A, Dahl AA, Lehtinen K, Lindström E, Tomasson K. Implementation of ICD-10 in the Nordic countries. Nordic journal of psychiatry 1999; 53(1):5-9.

(973) Munk-Jørgensen P, Day Poulsen H, Aggernæs H. Rapport: Evaluering af "Lov om frihedsberøvelse og anden tvang i psykiatrien". Sl.: s.n.; 1994.

(974) Munk-Jørgensen P, Flensted-Nielsen J, Brandt P, Krusell JB, Borg L, Søberg Hansen S, et al. Hjemløse psykisk syge, en registerundersøgelse af klienter på herberg og forsorgshjem. Ugeskrift for læger 1992; 154(18):1271-1275.

(975) Munk-Jørgensen P, Jacobsen V, Kristiansen PN. Tidligere psykiatriske patienter på folkehøjskole. Ugeskrift for læger 1981; 143(39):2524-2526.

(976) Munk-Jørgensen P, Jørgensen P. Brug af Present State Examination (PSE) i psykiatriuddannelsen: en pilotundersøgelse. Nordisk psykiatrisk tidsskrift 1985; 39(3):189-194.

(977) Munk-Jørgensen P, Jørgensen P, Lindhardt A, Psykiatrisk Hospital i Århus. Skizofrenibehandling i distriktspsykiatrisk regi. Risskov: Psykiatrisk Hospital i Århus, Institut for psykiatrisk Demogr afi; 1989.

(978) Munk-Jørgensen P, Kaldau R. Sammenligning af sociale forhold for et førstegangsklientel ved to århusianske alkoholambulatorier. Nordisk psykiatrisk tidsskrift 1984; 38(5):393-400.

(979) Munk-Jørgensen P, Kaldau R, Kristensen R. Henvisningsmønstre for førstegangsklienter til århusianske alkoholambulatorier i 1972-73 og 1982. Ugeskrift for læger 1984; 146(15):1162-1165.

(980) Munk-Jørgensen P, Kaldau R, Kristensen R. Førstegangsklienter ved århusianske alkoholambulatorier 1972-73 og 1982: henvisningsfrekvens, sociale forhold og afstandsfaktorens betydning. Ugeskrift for læger 1984; 146(51):4051-4055.

(981) Munk-Jørgensen P, Kaldau R, Kristensen R. Drikkemønstre hos førstegangsklienter ved århusianske alkoholambulatorier i 1972 og 1982. Nordisk psykiatrisk tidsskrift 1984; 38(6):581-589.

(982) Munk-Jørgensen P, Kastrup M, Mortensen PB. The epidemiology of mental disorders in Denmark. Nordic journal of psychiatry 1996; 50(36):15-24.

(983) Munk-Jørgensen P, Kullgren G. The epidemiology of mental disorders in the nordic countries: Festschrift to Professor Claes-Göran Westrin, June 1996. København: Scandinavian Univer. Press; 1996.

(984) Munk-Jørgensen P, Liisberg P. Kvindelige alkoholmisbrugere: incidens og karakteristika. Ugeskrift for læger 1986; 148(11):674-677.

(985) Munk-Jørgensen P, Mignolli G, Faccincani C. Verona-Sud: fordele og svagheder i en italiensk distriktspsykiatrisk service. Nord psykol 1985; 37(2):97-108.

(986) Munk-Jørgensen P, Møller-Madsen SM, Nielsen S, Nystrup J. Incidens af spiseforstyrrelser i psykiatrisk sygehusvæsen i Danmark 1970-1993. Ugeskrift for læger 1996; 158(41):5785-5789.

(987) Munk-Jørgensen P, Mors O, Mortensen PB. Socialpsykiatrisk forskning ved Institut for psykiatrisk demografi. Månedsskrift for praktisk lægegerning 1992; 70(.):396-404.

(988) Munk-Jørgensen P, Mors O, Mortensen PB. Registerbaserede undersøgelser af skizofreni. Nordic journal of psychiatry 1992; 46(26):11-15.

(989) Munk-Jørgensen P, Mors O, Mortensen PB. Socialpsykiatrisk forskning ved Institut for psykiatrisk demografi. Månedsskrift for praktisk lægegerning 1992; 70(.):396-404.

(990) Munk-Jørgensen P, Mors O, Mortensen PB. Registerbaserede undersøgelser af skizofreni. Nordic journal of psychiatry 1992; 46(26):11-15.

(991) Munk-Jørgensen P, Mors O, Mortensen PB. Socialpsykiatrisk forskning ved Institut for psykiatrisk demografi. Månedsskrift for praktisk lægegerning 1992; 70(.):396-404.

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